Privacy statement

Smartlife E-Commerce
Version valid from: July 25, 2014

Personal data

J&S E-business only uses the information and personal data you provide in the context of the services to be provided by J&S E-business.
For the processing and administration of your personal data, J&S E-business adheres to all laws and regulations for the protection of your personal data. The personal data sent by you to J&S E-business is stored in a secure file that is only accessible to the employees of J&S E-business.

Visit website J&S E-business
If you visit the J&S E-business website, general visitor data can be collected via Google Analytics.

By using this website you consent to the processing of the information by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above. This visitor data is used, among other things, to measure the number of visitors, pages viewed, average visit time and any registrations. Cookies are used to record this visitor data. These cookies only contain data that is used to identify you as a visitor.

The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to do so, or insofar as these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. However, the identification can never be traced back to your person and/or IP address. The visitor data is anonymised.

With the default settings of your web browser, cookies are usually accepted automatically. If you wish to (selectively) refuse cookies, you can set this in your web browser. However, (selectively) refusing cookies may result in certain parts of the Website no longer functioning (optimally). The following websites provide information about commonly used web browsers and how to adjust the cookie settings in the respective web browser:

Use services from J&S E-business
The personal data you provide, including your e-mail address, contact details and other data and the like, are only used to ensure that the services offered by J&S E-business work properly and for possible sending of information.

Links to websites
If the J&S E-business website refers to a hyperlink to a third-party website, J&S E-business is in no way liable for the use of and the content of the relevant website. When using websites as described in the previous sentence, the terms of use and privacy rules of the relevant website apply.

Transmission of information
If you register with J&S E-business, you can opt-in to receive a periodic newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive a newsletter at a later date, you can make this known by informing J&S E-business in writing by e-mail or by unsubscribing via the link in the relevant newsletter.

To object
When the personal data you have provided is no longer up-to-date, you can always request J&S E-business to change your data, after which J&S E-business will implement the changes you desire as soon as possible. If you wish to object to the use of personal data by J&S E-business, you can contact J&S E-business in writing, via the contact form on the website or via the email address stated on the website.