General information
Did you know that people in the Netherlands and all over the world throw away thousands of euros every year? How? By seeing cutting waste as waste and throwing it away. But here’s the solution, the Iceomaker.
With the Iceomaker you can make a high-quality iceolator hash product and you therefore deal as economically as possible with the THC that is still on your cutting waste. Iceolator is the product left over after the extraction process is done and it is well worth it! The process is simple.
Iceolator hash
Iceolator is hash that is made using a water/ice extraction process. This hash is of a very high quality due to this production process. Both the taste and the height of the THC value. The production process is based on the principle that the resin glands present on the leaves outweigh the water. The resin glands are released from the leaf due to the temperature of the water (through the ice), causing these resin glands to sink to the bottom. By using extraction bags with a very fine sieve at the bottom, the water flows away and what remains in the extraction bags is the Iceolator hash.